Teaching and advising, professional activities, talks






Note: teaching and advising are discretionary for professional researchers


Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 299, Research, UC Davis, Fall 2011

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Fall 2011

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 299, Research, UC Davis, Spring 2010

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Spring 2010

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 299, Research, UC Davis, Winter 2010

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Winter 2010

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 299, Research, UC Davis, Spring 2009

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Spring 2009

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Winter 2009

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 299, Research, UC Davis, Fall 2008

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Fall 2008

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Spring 2008

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 290C, Grad Research Conference, UC Davis, Winter 2008

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 289A, Energy and Environmental Modeling, UC Davis, Spring 2007

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 298, Investigation of a New Town Plan with a Dual Transportation Infrastructure, UC Davis, Spring 2004

Instructor, Transportation Technology and Policy 298, The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use, UC Davis, Winter 1999

Instructor, Ecology 290, The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use, UC Davis, Spring 1996

Teaching Assistant, Environmental Studies 1, Environmental Analysis, UC Davis, Spring 1988

Teaching Assistant, Environmental Studies 168A, Methods of Environmental Policy Evaluation, UC Davis, 1987

Teaching Assistant, Environmental Studies 10, Introduction to Environmental Studies, UC Davis, 1985

Teaching Assistant, Environmental Design 1, Introduction to Environmental Design, UC Berkeley, 1980

Supervision of graduate students and visiting scholars

Michael Baumann, Technical University of Munich, visiting scholar at the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley, Oct 2017 – Dec 2017.

Andrew Thompson, University of Paris-Saclay, visiting scholar at the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley, Feb 2017 – June 2018.

Stephan Rohr, Technical University of Munich, visiting scholar at the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley, Oct 2016 – Dec 2016.

Xiaoxial Zhang, Masters student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis, 2011-2013

Lachman Amish, Ph.D. student ad University of Suriname, 2010-2013

Ben Sharpe, Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis, 2009-2012

Pu Chen, Masters student in Transportation Technology and Policy at UC Davis, 2011-2012

Soheil Shahidinejad, visiting scholar at the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis, Oct-Nov 2011

Yongling Sun, Ph.D student in Transportation Technology and Policy at UC Davis, 2006-2011

Jayoung Koo, Ph.D. student, Graduate Group in Geography, 2008-2010

Andrew Lentz, Masters student in Transportation Technology and Policy at UC Davis, 2009-2010

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Professional organizations and  board memberships 

Member, Organizing Committee of Academic Researchers United, UC Berkeley, 2018

Member, Energy Committee of the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, 1990 to present

Member, Alternative Fuels Committee of the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council of the U. S. National Academy of Sciences, 1990 to present

Editorial Board of the Journal of Transportation and Statistics, 1998-2002.

Peer review

Peer review for journals in a wide range of fields:

General science

Science, Nature Climate Change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Interciencia, International Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision-making),  Applied Sciences


Nature Energy, Energy Policy, Energy and Environmental Science, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Biofuels, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Sustainability, Solar Energy


Ecological Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Energy Economics, Research in Transportation Economics, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, International Tax and Public Finance

Environmental science

Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of the Air and Waste Management AssociationEnvironmental Research LettersClimatic Change, Global Environmental Change, Challenges


Journal of the American Planning Association


Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research D, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

Life-cycle analysis

International Journal of Lifecycle Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production

Other specialties

Journal of Materials, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, NYU Law Review

Project review

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, expert panel reviewing the Agency’s draft report Alternative Fuels Research Strategy, December 1989

World Bank, expert panel consulting on ways to reduce emissions from the transportation sector in Tehran, Iran, 1994-1997

World Bank/Global Environment Facility (GEF), expert review of UNDP/GEF project “Brazil: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses for Urban Transport,” August 1999

World Bank/GEF, expert review of GEF project “Marikina Bikeways Project” for the city of Marikina in the Philippines, March 2000

World Bank/GEF, expert review of GEF project “Project Brief: Mexico: Introduction of Climate Friendly Transport Policies and Measures in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA),” February 2002

World Bank/GEF, expert review of GEF project “Project Concept Development: Chile: Sustainable Transport and Air Quality for Santiago,” December 2002

World Bank/GEF, expert review of GEF project “Project Concept Development: Peru: Public Transport Improvement for Lima,” February 2003

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, review of integration of GREET model with MOVES model, October 2004

International Energy Agency, review of MOVES model and documentation, June 2005

Government testimony, professional interviews and other media events

Initial co-signer of letter to California Gavin Newsom urging the closure of PG&E’s Aliso Canyon gas storage facility, December (2024).  Link

Interviewed for article “The cost of Germany turning off nuclear power: Thousands of lives,” by Nathanael Johnson, Grist, January 8 (2020). Link

Interviewed for article on challenges of adopting 100% renewables in time to effectively mitigate climate change, by Daniel Ross, Independent Media Institute, April (2019). Link

Interviewed for article “The Green New Deal: The Good, the Bad, and the Eco-Friendly,” by Glen Martin, California Magazine, February 28 (2019).  Link

Interviewed for article “Jacobson’s new 100% renewables model aims to rebut critics,” EnvironmentalResearchWeb Blog, April 21 (2018).  Link

Interviewed for article “Utilities ask congressional leaders to lift cap on electric vehicle tax credit,” Megawatt Daily, Monday, March 19, p. 5 (2018).

Interviewed for EdX course Energy and the Environment, Professor David Keith, Harvard University, interview at UC Berkeley, April 15, 2015

Interviewed for “Post-Carbon Pathways” project, by John Wiseman, April 25, 2012.  Link

Participant in a panel on the future of nuclear power and the potential for renewable energy after the nuclear accident in Japan, “The Insighters,” KPFK radio station, March 23, 2011

Live presentation on the global potential for wind, water, and solar power, “The Morning Mix,” KPFA radio station, March 23, 2011

Interviewed and videotaped for documentary “Shape Shift: A Documentary about the Transition to Renewable Carbon-Free Energy Worldwide, with a Focus on North America,” December, 2010.  Link

Briefing on the social cost of motor-vehicle use, for U. S. Senate staff, Dickson Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C., May 13, 1997

Public briefing on the social cost of motor-vehicle use, for Congressional staff, Rayburn House Office Building, U. S. Congress, Washington, D. C. January 16, 1997

Invited testimony  on the social-cost of motor-vehicle use, SB1214 Hearing at the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California, April 22, 1993

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“Conceptual Framework, Financial Analysis, and Literature Review,” TCO Workshop and Discussion, sponsored by the US Department of Energy, for the Total Cost of Ownership Project, June 23 (2020).


“Advanced Vehicle Cost and Energy-Use Model (AVCEM) – Overview, Recent Developments, and Preliminary Findings,” 2019 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) Annual Merit Review (AMR), Arlington, Virginia, June 10-13 (2019).


“External Costs of Transportation Modes,” meeting with Federal Highway Administration Office of Transportation Policy Studies, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, September 13 (2018).

“AVCEM – The Advanced Vehicle Cost and Energy Use Model,”meeting with US Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, July 13 (2018).

“Cost-Benefit Analysis of Clean Energy Systems,” California Climate Policy Modeling (CCPM-2) Workshop, University of California, Davis, May 14 (2018).

“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” guest lecture in City Planning 217 (Transportation Policy), University of California, Berkeley, April 17 (2018).


“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” UC Santa Barbara Institute for Energy Efficiency Seminar Series, University of California, Santa Barbara, April 27 (2017).

“Transportation in a World of 100% Wind Water and Solar Power,” Oakmont Progressives Seminar Series, Santa Rosa, California, March 13 (2017).


“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” Sustainability Mobility Seminar Series, Stanford University, May 21 (2016).

“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” guest lecture, Chemical Engineering 195, (Prof. Marjorie Went), UC Berkeley, March 31 (2016).

“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” guest lecture, Engineering 261 (Prof. Lee Lynd), Dartmouth College, February 29 (2016).


“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” Energy Technology Areas Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October 27 (2015).

“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” RAEL Seminar Series, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory,Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley, September 30 (2015).

“Transportation Energy – What is Best?,” ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar, Institute of Transportation Stuides, UC Berkeley, September 11 (2015).


“Lifecycle Analysis of Energy Options and Climate Change: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It,” Energy and Resources Group Colloquium, UC Berkeley, March 12 (2014).

“Transportation in a World of 100% Wind Water and Solar Power (and Other Ideas),” Clean Transportation Initiative Workshop, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., February 5 (2014).


“There Is No Such Thing As a ‘Carbon Negative’ Biofuel and No Special Benefit to Growing Biofuel Feedstocks on ‘Degraded’ Land,” NextSTEPS Fall 2013 Symposium, Memorial Union, University of California, Davis, December 10 (2013).

“Social Lifetime Cost of Natural-gas Vehicles,” Natural Gas in Transportation: A Special Scenarios Exercise, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis, February 4 (2013).


“Full Social Costs of Advanced Future Vehicles and Fuels,” NextSTEPS Fall 2012 Symposium, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, November 30 (2012).

“Renewable Intensive Futures,” NextSTEPS Fall 2012 Symposium, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, November 29 (2012).

“Transportation in a World Based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” Shell Energy Scenarios Meeting, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, Tuesday, October 30 (2012).

“Transportation in a World Based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” Energy-Food-Water Dialogue, UC Davis Conference Center, University of California, Davis, Tuesday, October 30 (2012).


“Advanced Vehicle Cost and Energy-Use Model,” poster, NextSTEPS Research Symposium, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, November 7-8 (2011).

“A Critique of LCA Models of GHG Emissions from Transportation Fuels,” NextSTEPS Research Symposium, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, November 7 (2011).

“Technical and Economic Feasibility of a World based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” STEPS Seminar Series, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, October 27 (2011).

“An Idea for a Sustainable Transportation System and New Town Plan: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” presented at UCLA Environmental Science Colloquium Series, Institute of the Environment, University of California, Los Angeles, April 13 (2011).

“Lifecycle Analysis of CO2-Equivalent Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” seminar at Chevron Headquarters, San Ramon, California, April 6 (2011).

“Technical and Economic Feasibility of a World based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” seminar at Chevron Headquarters, San Ramon, California, April 6 (2011).

“Technical and Economic Feasibility of a World based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” Cal-IRES Forum, UC Davis Energy Week 2011, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, April 4 (2011).

“Transportation in a World Based 100% on Wind, Water, and Solar Power,” 2011 STEPS / NextSTEPS Symposium: Insights from STEPS & Introduction to NextSTEPS, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, January 19 (2011).

“Lifecycle Emissions of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants from Advanced Vehicles,” 2011 STEPS / NextSTEPS Symposium: Insights from STEPS & Introduction to NextSTEPS, Buehler Alumni Center, University of California, Davis, January 18 (2011).


“Analyzing Long-Term Sustainable Transportation for the World,” Long Term Renewable Energy Futures – An International Perspective, University College London, London, England, May 21 (2010).

“A Plan for Wind, Water, and Solar Power to Provide 100% of the World’s New Energy Production by 2030,” Long Term Renewable Energy Futures – An International Perspective, University College London, London, England, May 21 (2010).

“Air Quality and Greenhouse-Gas Life-Cycle and Social-Cost Analysis of New Propulsion Technologies,” Keynote address, 18th international Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution, Zurich, Switzerland, May 19 (2010).

“A Few Things We Know about Global Clean Energy Systems, Focusing on Transportation,” Political Economy Research Institute Conference on Clean-Energy Economics, Surdna Foundation, New York, New York, March 22 (2010).


“Lifecycle Analysis of CO2-Equivalent Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” CRC Workshop on Lifecycle Analysis of Biofuels, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, October 20 (2009).

“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” presented at the ITS-UC Davis/China Energy and Transportation Collaboration Meeting, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, July (2009).

“Lifecycle and Social Lifetime Cost of Advanced Vehicles,” Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways Annual Meeting, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, July (2009).


“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” presented at the U.  C. Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy Seminar SeriesUniversity of California, Berkeley, October 1 (2008).

“Important Issues in Lifecycle Analysis of CO2-Equivalent Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” Measuring and Modeling the Lifecycle GHG Impacts of Transportation Fuels, University of California, Berkeley, July 1 (2008).

“Lifecycle Analysis of GHG Emissions from Biofuels,” 2008 STEPS Symposium and Sponsor Workshop, University of California, Davis, May 14 (2008).

“Incorporating Price Effects into Lifecycle Analysis,” Climate Change Seminar Series, National Center for Environmental Economics, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C., March 5 (2008).

“Important Uncertainties in Lifecycle Analysis: Land Use Change, CO2-Equivalency Factors, and the Nitrogen Cycle,” workshops for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C., March 4 (2008).

“Conceptual Issues in Lifecycle Analysis of Biofuels,” presented at Environmental Defense’s Science Day, Menlo Park, California, February 6 (2008).

“Conceptual Issues in Lifecycle Analysis of Transportation Fuels,” presented at a workshop for the Coordinating Research Council, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 24 (2008).

“Lifecycle Analysis of CO2-Equivalent Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, presentation of Mark Delucchi’s material by Dr. Robert Noland, Washington, D. C., January 15 (2008).


“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,”seminar at Chevron Headquarters, San Ramon, California, October 26 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,”joint seminar with Quanlu Wang of Argonne National Laboratory, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, July 24 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” presented to California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, California, June 25 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” presented to the Clean Air Task Force’s State Climate Collaborative Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, June 15 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of CO2-Equivalent Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” Modeling Global Land Use and Social Implications in the Sustainability Assessment of Biofuels, Technical University of Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5 (2007).

“Social Cost of Transportation,” Energy Crossroads Workshop, Stanford University, March 2 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” ITS Seminar Series, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, February 2 (2007).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” Denmark-U. S. Clean-Technology Workshop, SRI, Menlo Park, California, January 30 (2007).

“A Novel Town and Transportation Plan,” presentation to the Committee on Sustainable Transportation, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 24 (2007).


“Lifecycle Analysis of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions from Biofuels,” Workshop on the Environmental, Resource, and Trade Implications of Biofuels, Stanford University, December 5-6 (2006).

“Overview of Track 4, Environmental Analysis,” H2P Advisory Board Meeting, Davis, California, July 24 (2006).

“Social Cost and Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Transportation Fuels,” Haagen-Smit Symposium, Aptos, California, May 8-May 11 (2006).


“Lifecycle Emissions Analysis of Fuel Options,” Hydrogen Societal Benefits and Costs Workshop, University of California, Davis, October 4-5 (2005).

“Issues of Methods and Data in Social-Cost Analysis,” Hydrogen Societal Benefits and Costs Workshop, University of California, Davis, October 4-5 (2005).

“Air Pollution Damage Costs for Motor Vehicles; Estimates, Applications, and Perspectives,” presented at Air Pollution as a Climate Forcing: A Second Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 4-6 (2005).

“Lifecycle Analysis of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Transportation,” presented at Air Pollution as a Climate Forcing: A Second Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 4-6 (2005).


“The Environmental and Social Costs of Transportation,” presentation to the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, April 23 (2004).

“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” presented at the U.  C. Berkeley Transportation Seminar SeriesUniversity of California, Berkeley, January 23 (2004).

“Lifecycle Emissions from Alternative Transportation Fuels,” presented at Transforming Transportation: Hitting the Road, EMBARQ/WRI, Washington, D. C., January 15 (2004).

“International Comparison of Lifecycle Emissions from Transportation,” presented at Session 265 of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 12 (2004).

“Estimating the Size of Transportation Externalities,” presented at Session 368 of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 12 (2004).


Tutorial on Lifecycle Emissions Analysis, presented at the World Bank, Mexico City, November 6 (2003).

“Lifecycle Environmental Impacts of Alternative Fuels,” presented at the U. S./Mexico Conference on LPG in Transportation, Mexico City, November 6 (2003).

“Evaluation of Climate Change and Other Impacts of Transportation Projects,” presented to the InterAmerican Development Bank, Washington D. C., July 18 (2003).

“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” presented at the UC Merced Conference on Building Sustainable Universities, University of California Merced, Modesto, California, April 29 (2003).

“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” lecture in Landscape Architecture Urban Design class, University of California Davis, January 27 (2003).


“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” Institute of Transportation Studies Seminar Series, November 14 (2002).

“Social Cost of Transport: Marginal Social-Cost Pricing of Transport Modes, and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transport Alternatives,” presented to the Sacramento Air Quality Collaborative Forum, Alumni Center, California State University Sacramento, September 5 (2002).

“A New Town Plan and Transportation System: How We Can Have Safe, Clean, Convenient, Inexpensive, and Pleasant Transportation Without Making People Drive Less or Give Up Suburban Living,” lecture in Landscape Architecture Urban Design class, University of California Davis, February 13 (2002).

“Social Cost Accounting of Cars versus Transit,” presented at the Institute of Transportation Studies Weekly Seminar, University of California, Davis, January 31 (2002).

“Recent Well-to-Wheel Studies: Results and Analytical Issues,” presented at the Workshop on Fuel-cycle Modeling to Assess Well-to-Wheel Energy and Emissions,” 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 12 (2002).


“Lifecycle Analysis and External Costs in Transportation, presented at Energy Policy and Externalities: the Life-Cycle Analysis Approach, International Energy Agency, Paris, France, November 15 (2001).

“Comparing Full-Cost Accounting of Private Autos and Public Transit: Sorting Out Costs, Benefits, and Subsidies,” presented at Redefining, Reevaluating, and Reinventing Transit, The Transportation/Land Use/Environmental Connection, Annual Policy and Research Symposium Series, UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, California, October 14-16 (2001).

“Methodological Issues in Lifecycle Analyses,” presented at Managing Transitions in the Transportation Sector: How Fast and How Far?, VIIIth Biennial Conference on Transportation, Energy, and Environmental Policy, Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey, California, September 11-14 (2001).

“The Social Cost of Transportation Air Pollution,” presented to the Sacramento Air Quality Collaborative Forum, Alumni Center, California State University Sacramento, June 25 (2001).

“An Analysis of the Cost and Performance of Battery and Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” presented at the Zero-Emission Vehicle Conference, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, May 16 (2001).


“An Analysis of the Private and Social Cost of Electric Vehicles,” presented at Externalities in the Urban Transport: Assessing and Reducing the Impacts,” San Donato Milanese, Italy, October 27 (2000).

“A Summary of the External Costs of Motor-Vehicle Use in the U. S.,” presented at Externalities in the Urban Transport: Assessing and Reducing the Impacts,” San Donato Milanese, Italy, October 27 (2000).

“Methodological Issues in Lifecycle Analysis,” presented at the Air and Waste Management Association 93rd Conference and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 20 (2000).

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” presented at the Crossroads of European Transport and Environmental Policy, University of Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-27 (2000).

“Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Urban Transport Systems,” presented at UNDP/GEF workshop Commercialization of Fuel Cell Buses: Potential Roles for the Global Environment Facility, UN Headquarters, New York, April 27 (2000).

“Lifecycle Model of Energy use, Criteria-Pollutant Emissions, and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions for Transportation Fuels and Electricity,” presented at The 11th Global Warming International Conference & Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, April 26 (2000).


“Uncertainties in full fuel cycle analysis,” presented at Ultra-Clean Vehicles: Technology Advances, Relative Marketability and Policy Implications,  University of California, Davis, December 2 (1999).

“Cost study of electric vehicles,” presented at Ultra-Clean Vehicles: Technology Advances, Relative Marketability and Policy Implications,  University of California, Davis, December 1 (1999).

“Lifecycle analysis of New and Existing Transportation Technologies,” presented at the 21st Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Fort Collins, Colorado, May 4 (1999).

“Fuel Lifecycle Emissions in Canada and the United States,” presented at the 9th Canadian Hydrogen Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 7-10 (1999).

“Results on the Joint Control of GHG and Criteria Pollutants,” presented at the 78th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 10-14 (1999).

“Transportation Fuels, Global Warming Issues, and Recent Analysis Results,” presented at the 78th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 10-14 (1999).

“EDV Cost Model,” presented at the 78th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 10-14 (1999).


“The Social Cost of Gasoline versus Electric Vehicles,” presented Externalities in Urban Transport: Assessing and Reducing the Impacts, Milan, Italy, October 27-29 (1998).

“LPG for motor vehicles: a total fuelcycle analysis of emissions of urban air pollutants and greenhouse-gases,” presented at the 11th World LPG Forum, Rome, Italy, October 21-23 (1998).

“The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the U. S.: Estimates and Applications” presented at the 4th International Social Cost and Sustainability Conference, New York, New York, October 1-3 (1998).

“Transportation Contributions to Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” presented at a seminar on the Tehran Transportation Emissions Reduction Project, the World Bank, Washington, D. C., September 15 (1998).

“Issues in the Estimation of the Impact of Alternative Fuels of Climate,” presented to the Energy Committee of the Transportation Research Board, at the 77th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board Washington, D. C., January 11-15 (1998).

“The Annualized Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Summary of Theory, Methods, Data, and Results,” presented at the 77th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 11-15 (1998). Part of a special TRB session devoted to entirely to my social-cost analysis.


“The Uses of Social Cost Analysis,” opening address to the conference Policies for Fostering Sustainable Transportation Technologies, Asilomar, California, July 17 (1997).

“The Annualized Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Summary of Theory, Methods, Data, and Results,” presented at the UC Davis Social-Cost Workshop, Davis, California, May 29 (1997).

“The Annualized Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” presented at the Workshop on Urban Passenger Transport and Environmental Statistics, Washington, D. C., May 14 (1997).

“The Annualized Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” seminar given at the World Bank, Washington, D. C., May 13 (1997).

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Summary of Results,” presented to the Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C. January 17 (1997).

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” public briefing for Congressional staff, Rayburn House Office Building, U. S. Congress, Washington, D. C. January 16 (1997). Follow up private briefing for Congressional staff on May 13, Dickson Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C.

“The External Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Implications for Alternative Fuels,” presented to the Alternative Fuels Committee of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C. January 15 (1997).

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Air Pollution,” presented to the Air Quality Committee of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C. January 15 (1997).


“Preliminary Conceptual Synthesis: Putting the Pieces Together into an Integrated EV Design Energy-Use, Manufacturing Cost, and Lifecycle Cost model,” presented at Electric Vehicle Cost Analysis: Concepts, Methods, and Data, University of California, Davis, November 19 (1996).

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Alternative Transportation Fuels,” and “The External Costs of Motor-Vehicle Air Pollution,” two-part presentation at Technical Seminar on Air Pollution and Urban Transport, Tehran, Iran, November 3 (1996).

“The Social-Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” seminar given at the Center for Transportation Analysis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January 12 (1996).


“External Costs of Alternative Fuels,” presented at Is Technology Enough?, Asilomar, California, July 31-August 4 (1995).

“Social Overhead Costs,” presented at the Full Social Costs and Benefits of Transportation, Beckman Engineering Center, Irvine, California, July 7, 1995.

“Critical Issues in the Estimation of the Social Cost,” presented at the Full Social Costs and Benefits of Transportation, Beckman Engineering Center, Irvine, California, July 7, 1995.

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Can We Get the Big Numbers Right?,” presented at the Third Externalities Workshop, Ladenburg, Germany, May 27-30, 1995.

“Lifecycle Cost of Alternative-Fuel Vehicles,” presented at the Green Fleets Project, Workshop #2, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 31, 1995.

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Alternative-Fuel Vehicles,” presented at the Green Fleets Project, Workshop #2, Vancouver, British Columbia, January 31, 1995.

“Original Estimates of the Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 26, 1995.


“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” presented to the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Policy Development, Washington, D. C., December 13, 1994.

“Uncertainty in Estimates of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Alternative-Fuel Vehicles” presented to the “CarTalk” Committee of the Office of the President of the United States, Washington, D. C., November 14, 1994.

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” presented to the Transportation Research Board, Beckman Engineering Center, Irvine, California, October 4, 1994.

“The Social Cost of Petroleum and Alternative-Fuel Vehicles,” presented at Argonne National Laboratory, Center for Transportation Research, Argonne, Illinois, May 31, 1994.

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use, Based on 1990-1991 Data: Preliminary Results,” presented at the meeting of the Alternative Fuels Committee of The Transportation Research Board, 73rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C.,  January 12, 1994.


“Which Fuel: Hydrogen or Methanol?,” presented at Toward a Fuel Cell Future, Planning for the Commercialization of Fuel Cells,  Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, Sacramento, California, September 2-3, 1993.

“Full Social Costs and Benefits of Transportation,” presented at Transportation and Energy: Strategies for a Sustainable Transportation System, Asilomar, California, August 22-25, 1993.

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use: Concepts and Methods,” invited testimony at the SB1214 Hearing at the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California, April 22, 1993.

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity,” presented at the International Conference on Global Warming, Portland, Oregon, March 9, 1993.

“Why Alternative Transportation Fuels: Global Warming and Air Quality,” presented at the Alternative Fuels Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 9 (1993).

“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in 1990: Preliminary Results,” presented at the meeting of the Alternative Fuels Committee of the Transportation Research Board, 72nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C.,  January 13, 1993.


“The Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in 1990: Preliminary Results,” Institute of Transportation Studies Noon Seminar, University of California, Davis, November 16, 1992.

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity, and Preliminary Estimates of the Social Costs of Motor Vehicle Use,” presented at the meeting of the International Association of Energy Economics, New Orleans, October 25-28,  1992.

“Lifecycle Costs of Fuel-Cell Vehicles,” presented at the Princeton Fuel Cell Seminar, Princeton, New Jersey, October 21-22, 1992.

“The Hydrogen Economy, Lifecycle Costs Of Zero-Emission Vehicles, and Zero-Emission And Low-Emission Vehicles Compared,” presentation to the Transportation Group of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September 18, 1992.

“Lifecycle Cost of Battery-Powered and Fuel-Cell Powered Vehicles” Future of the Automobile in an Environmentally Constrained World, Santa Cruz, California, September 9-11, 1992.

“The Energy and Environment Problem: How We Got Here, What It Is, Where We Are Going, and What Is Costing Us,” Future of the Automobile in an Environmentally Constrained World, Santa Cruz, California, September 9-11, 1992.

“Zero-Emission Vehicles: Life-Cycle Costs and Environmental Impacts, And Comparison With Other Alternative-Fuel Vehicles,” 25th ISATA Silver Jubilee International Symposium on Automotive Technology and  Automation, Conference on Zero Emission Vehicles — The Electric/Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Challenge, Florence, Italy, June 1-5, 1992.

“Comparative Fuel-Cycle Evaluation of Energy Use and Environmental Emissions for EVs and Other Low-Emission Vehicles,” International Conference on the Urban Electric Vehicle, Stockholm, Sweden, May 25th-27th, 1992.


“Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: Lifecycle Cost Analysis,” seminar, Chevron Corporation, San Francisco, California, December 12, 1991.

“Hydrogen and Methanol fuel Cell Vehicles: A Solution to Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions?,” Energy Division Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, November 25, 1991.

“Can Fuel Cells Replace the Internal Combustion Engine?,” Center for Energy and Environmental Studies Seminar Series, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, November 19, 1991.

Participant, Round Table meeting of the organization Energy, Technology, and the Environment — an Agenda for Action for the 21st Century, McLean, Virginia, October 30-31, 1991.

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases From Linked Trips Involving Buses, Trains, and Cars,” Transportation and Global Climate Change: Long-Run Options, Asilomar, California, August 25-28, 1991.

“Transportation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” Transportation and Global Climate Change: Long-Run Options, Asilomar, California, August 25-28, 1991.

“Global Warming Effects of the Motor Vehicle: The Total Fuel/Vehicle Pathway,” 1991 SAE Government/Industry Meeting, Washington, D. C., May 15-17, 1991.

“Environmental Impacts of Advanced Transportation Fuels and Technologies, “Global Pollution Prevention ’91, International Conference and Exposition, Washington, D. C., April 4, 1991.

“Hydrogen vs. Other Alternative Fuels for Vehicles,” New York City Department of Transportation symposium on hydrogen as a vehicular fuel, New York, March 12, 1991.

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Alternative Transportation Fuels: State of Knowledge,” meeting of the U. S. Alternative Fuels Council, Denver, Colorado, February 15, 1991.

“A Strategy for a Transition to Long-Term Alternative Transportation Fuels,” Automobiles and Their Alternatives: An Agenda for the 1990s, sponsored by the Conservation Law Foundation and the Energy Foundation, Boston, January 23-25, 1991.


“Evaluation of Hydrogen and Other Alternative Transportation Fuels,” seminar, Sandia National Laboratory, December 18, 1990.

“Technical, Economic, and Environmental Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Methanol, Ethanol, CNG, LNG, Hydrogen, and Battery-powered Vehicles,” Roads to Alternative Fuels, the second biennial UC Davis conference on alternative transportation fuels, Asilomar, California, July 11-13, 1990.

“Modeling Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Fossil and Nonfossil Transportation Fuels,” seminar, International Energy Agency and the Environment Directorate of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, June 8, 1990.

“Alternative Transportation Fuels,” Center for Energy and Environmental Studies Seminar Series, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, January 11, 1990.

Discussant, session on Global Warming and Transportation Energy Use, 68th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 8, 1990.


“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from the Use of Methanol As a Transportation Fuel,” Methanol as an Alternative Fuel Choice: An Assessment, conference sponsored by John Hopkins International Energy Program, The American Petroleum Institute, and the World Resources Institute, Washington, D. C., December 4, 1989.

“Nuclear-Electrolytic Hydrogen as a Transportation Fuel,” American Nuclear Society’s Winter Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 29, 1989.

“Alternative Vehicular Fuels: Effects on Emissions of Regulated Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases,” Natural Resources Policy Seminar, University of California at Davis, November 1, 1989.

“Technology, Environmental Impacts, and Costs of Alternative-Fuel Vehicles,” International Workshop on Global Climate Change: Long-Term Energy Scenarios and Policy Options for the Developing World, Berkeley, California, June 15, 1989.


“Natural Gas versus Methanol Vehicles: A Comparison of Resource Supply, Performance, Fuel Storage, Emissions, Cost, Safety, and Transitions,” Society of Automotive Engineers International Fuels and Lubricants Exposition and Meeting, Portland, Oregon, October 10-13, 1988.

“Transportation Fuels and the Greenhouse Effect,” Hearing on Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect, California State Senate Special Committee on Solid and Hazardous Waste, Sacramento, California, September 27, 1988.

“Hydrogen Fuel Use,” California Air Resources Board public meeting to consider the potential of various alternative  fuels for improving air quality, Sacramento, California, September 9, 1988.

“Hydrogen and Electric Vehicles,” Transportation Fuels in the 1990s and Beyond,  Monterey, California, July 17-19, 1988.

“Air Quality Impacts of Electric, Natural Gas, Methanol, and Hydrogen Vehicles,” Transportation and Air Quality: Common Ground, summer meeting of Committee A1F03 of the Transportation Research Board, Sacramento, California, June 25-26, 1988.

“Transportation Fuels and the Greenhouse Effect,” 67th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., January 14, 1988.

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